Magx Becker

What I do for Sunclimbing: Managing partner, strategy, partner networking

Languages: German, English, French

I am the mother of three grown children, a passionate cook, and an alpine/sport climber. In addition, I am fascinated by art and culture from all over the world, high mountains, and lonely landscapes. I started climbing very late, but my passion for it became so great so quickly that I became a trainer and was able to pass on this passion to others.

From the beginning, I was mainly on the road in the high mountains and gained a lot of experience in long and impressive multi-pitch routes around the world. I have been a consultant, trainer, and coach for team development, process organization, communication, and intercultural competence for many years.

After a long and exhausting cancer treatment, it was clear that I only live once and don’t want to postpone my dreams or passions anymore. I want to show other people that the love of nature, of being outside, with people who mean a lot to you, can have huge healing effects. I am still not in Geyikbayiri all year, but my way is getting closer.

„The limits of what is possible can only be determined by venturing a little beyond them into the impossible.”