Zorbey Aktuyun

What I do at Sunclimbing: Certified climbing instructor (certified by the Austrian Alpine Club)

Languages: Turkish, English

My name is Zorbey and I started climbing back in 2000 and never quit. Today it is my one and only passion. 🙂
The first time I climbed in Geyikbayiri it was 2001 and now I’m living here and Izmir.
I’m an all-around climber, bolting a lot of new sport routes. When I see a boulder I can’t resist to climb it. I discover trad. lines in different places in Turkey, open and climb multipitch big walls and also do some ice climbing and mounteneering.
I usually work as a route setter in national camps, competitions and gyms. I also publish guidebooks about the areas which I develop.
It is a pleasure for me to work as a guide in Sunclimbing. Hope to see you around soon!